23 Responses to Are we doomed?

  1. ActiveWorld’s 3D chats are really fascinating but I would think that with companies worldwide having financial problems, they would rather save their resources on that. Google has just release Google Video Chat that is set to take the whole world by storm. It’s still just in Beta but already many people have jumped into it and given rave reviews.

    • Yes, ActiveWorld is like an overkill. Simple tools like Meebo, Webex or Google Video Chat will do the job.

    • Back Pain says:

      Google Video Chat is really. Cool. Here are some reviews on it.

      After a quick install from within my Gmail, the video function was up and running. I was able to connect with good buddy Michael Eller from within the normal chat window. We were able to talk uninterrupted for an hour – from 3000 miles apart! The picture is a bit grainier than with iChat, and I did experience a slight echo when talking, but all in all it was a fantastic first try. We never lost the connection and were both pleasantly surprised with how easy everything was.

      The verdict – this is a great hardware agnostic way to engage in video chat with family and friends. If you have a Mac with built in cam or a PC with a webcam, I’d definitely recommend trying it out – Google strikes again!

  2. SEO says:

    More MNCs are moving into the social media world to explore opportunities and maximize their marketing efforts. This means greater opportunities for social media marketing.

  3. Knee Pain says:

    These are tools that are affordable for large MNCs. It’s not so applicable for start-ups.

  4. Large MNCs are taking a huge lead in e-learning. The sad thing is that most content are not SCORN compliant and users are not able to easily create content.

  5. It would be interesting to learn how these MNCs deal with the drawbacks of such social marketing..

  6. Obat Kanker says:

    They will probably look at Google Chat now with companies trying to cut down cost on expensive solutions and minimizing travel.

  7. good start for ABN Amro and hope its will more successful

  8. Shop Fitting says:

    It’s about time the corporate world drop the fanciful stuffs and go for something practical and cost effecitive.

  9. SEO says:

    ABN AMBRO has taken a very nice initiative towards the new technology.. Active World would definitely going to help them out for their interaction and communication with their employees..

  10. billshadow says:

    Social media marketing is the future. Large MNCs should be heading towards that direction.

  11. Gravel says:

    I am happy to hear that ABN AMBRO is, at the least, investigating new technologies. Most companies of their size are hesitant to try new things.

  12. theblueballroom is a specialist internal communications agency that is … CSC, National Grid, Land Securities, ABN-AMRO and Lloyds TSB. ….. taxonomy application, integration expertise, and e-learning programs ….. the world which allows secure, internal communication and collaboration alongside the public web …

  13. Obat says:

    ABN AMBRO has taken a very nice initiative towards the new technology.. Active World would definitely going to help them out for their interaction and communication with their employees..

    I agree with that

  14. they would rather save their resources on that. Google has just release Google Video Chat that is set to take the whole world by storm. It’s still just in Beta but already many people have jumped into it and given rave reviews.

  15. they would rather save their resources on that. Google has just release Google Video Chat that is set to take the whole world by storm. It’s still just in Beta but already many people have jumped into it and given rave reviews.

  16. scoruri live says:

    Well worth the read. Thanks for sharing this information. I got a chance to know about this.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Well worth the read. thank you very much for taking the time to share with those who are starting on the subject. Greetings

  18. It is good that they use international comunication. In this way they can find some problems whit some clients.

  19. If you are not careful with these words from the ABN Ambro can harm you. I have happened to her.

  20. I think the Internal communications heavily undervalued…

  21. Corey Hart says:

    “are we doomed”.


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