Becoming a Cyborg should be taken gently: Of Modern Bio-Paleo-Machines » Cyborgology

“We, the biological part of the machine, are providing the tools for its uplift, we embed cameras everywhere so it can see, we implant sensors all over the planet so it may feel, but above all we nudge and we push towards a greater connectivity, all this unaware.” And also:… Continue reading

Apps on top of the real world

This seems to be pretty cool, but as you’ll see in the ‘read more’ section, it’s much more than just ‘cool’: And here is how it works: It’s build by Stockholm-based and it’s an app available on iOS. Using advanced computer vision, Minecraft Reality maps and tracks the world… Continue reading

Microsoft has its own Project Glass

“Microsoft has it’s own Project Glass cooking in the R&D labs. It’s an augmented reality glasses/heads-up display, that should supply you with various bits of trivia while you are watching a live event, e.g. baseball game. ” The information is based on a patent application, so don’t expect a Microsoft… Continue reading

WordPress Brings Bitcoin to the Blogging Masses | Webmonkey

“Upgrading your blog no longer requires a credit card or PayPal account. Starting today you can raid your virtual piggy bank to pay for WordPress upgrades with the digital currency Bitcoin.” This is interesting. How ‘virtual’ is bitcoin anyway? Maybe Linden Lab – the company behind Second Life –… Continue reading

Singularity Hub acquired by Singularity University

I recently posted about a video-interview with Ray Kurzweil I found on Singularity Hub. I also mentioned the membership-model this site uses. Now the site announced Singularity University acquired it. Keith Kleiner founded the site five years ago. At first I thought it was part of the Singularity University, but… Continue reading

A social network for things | Beyond The Beyond

“Thingiverse is also introducing a new “Follow” button that will connect you to the things, digital designs, designers, users, tags, categories: all the stuff you care about most. By following a Thing, you’ll get a notification when someone comments on it, makes a copy of it, or remixes it. Some… Continue reading

Organizing my Online Brain

So what have I been doing at the Think-Know course facilitated by Howard Rheingold? These past few weeks we’ve been using Diigo extensively. This social bookmark-service is well-suited for group collaboration. While the course group is reserved for members, you’re welcome to join my own group about the impact of… Continue reading